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THERE IS NO GOD: and DISCOVER WHO YOU ARE. “Ce sunt eu, vei fi şi tu. Ce eşti tu, am fost şi eu.” (What I am, you will be, too. What you are, I've been myself.) THERE IS NO GOD. WHAT PEOPLE TAKE FOR GOD “IS AN INNER FEELING OF PEACE”, which “is real”. THE KINGDOM OF GOD. AND MUST BE SOUGHT” because it corresponds to the NON-MENTAL PART of ourselves. The mental part IS NECESSARY to Function in this world, BUT IT IS NOT “WHAT WE ARE”. THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF LIFE, and of what is hidden “VOLUNTARILY BY THE MYSTICS” 'IN RELIGIOUS TEXTS' is “TO DISCOVER THIS INNER PART IN US”. This requires “A LOT OF INTROSPECTION AND EFFORTS” and also A “DESTRUCTION”. It must be sought INTENTIONALLY. It's all the more important “TO DISCOVER THIS PART”, because the mind being only a tool like a knife, a watering can, a flower pot, it can only BE USED AS A TOOL. If you discover yourself, “THEN YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE, because you know WHO YOU ARE”. “Christianism HAS JUST BLURRED THOSE ESOTERIC TEACHINGS” that were “very LIMPID in Hinduism”. THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE FURTHER A CIVILIZATION MOVES AWAY FROM THE SACRED (DIVINE, THE MEANING), THE MORE IT TENDS TO “MOVE AWAY FROM TRUTH” AND LOVE MATTER. “So the esoteric teachings NEED TO BE MORE ENCRYPTED IN A CIVILIZATION WHERE BEING AWAKE IS A DANGER”. I THINK THAT WITH THE COLLECTIVE MADNESS OF COVID, you understand 'THAT IT IS NOT GOOD 'TO REASON ANYMORE'' AND TO HAVE A BRAIN. 1 per 1000000. David Godman: “In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says, out of every thousand people one is really serious, and out of every thousand serious people only one knows me as I really am that's one in a million, and I think that's a very generous estimate, personally, I THINK IT'S FAR FEWER THAN THAT.” Gospel of Thomas translated by Wim van den Dungen: “Jesus said : “I shall choose You, one from a thousand, and two from ten thousand, and they shall be as a single one.”” 3 per 1000000. Max Gorman: “Without the guidance of the already golden man, a ‘changed one’, without his mastery, the transmutation could not be achieved. As a member of the alchemical fraternity told Helvetius of the Hague in 1666, ‘Nay, without the communication of a true adept philosopher not one student can find the way to prepare this great magistry.’ The student, too, had to be of a certain quality, ‘SCARCE THREE IN ONE MILLION canst be candidates for the Work of Holy Alkimy.’ says Thomas Norton in his ‘Ordinall of Alkimy’ (1477).” 1 per 1000000. Hazrat Inayat Khan: “Among a million believers in God there is scarcely one who makes God a reality.” 1 per 1000000. Kabir Das: “Kabir says, listen, my good brothers one in a million has solved THIS MYSTERY.” The more the civilization GOES OFF THE RAILS, THE MORE IT IS NECESSARY TO ENCRYPT “THESE ESOTERIC TEACHINGS”, so that in a Future WHERE THE THOUGHT WILL BE FREE AGAIN, they Can Emerge Again. Monastery [...] offered the sanctuaries as a safe haven during times of POLITICAL UPHEAVAL.” If you follow me “YOU KNOW” THAT I AM NOT OPTIMISTIC FOR THE FUTURE. Rousseau: “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” There is no difference between a socialist ('secularist') and a 'religious person'. Both of them 'HAVE LOST THE INNER SENSE' and are LOOKING FOR SATISFACTION 'FROM THE OUTSIDE'. THAT IS WHY THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between the Atheist and the Religious. BOTH 'WANT THE SAME THING'; DESTRUCTION. The Renaissance PREPARED PROTESTANTISM. PROTESTANTISM prepared THE REVOLUTIONS OF 233 YEARS AGO. THE REVOLUTIONS OF 233 years ago PREPARED COMMUNISM. AND SO ON, this movement CANNOT STOP BY ITSELF. It needs a 'TRADITIONALIST COUNTER-FORCE' WHICH IS NOT YET READY. WE ARE NOT GOING TOWARDS WHAT PEOPLE THINK, TOWARDS FREEDOM. We are going 'IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION'; THE GLORIFICATION 'OF MATTER'. WHICH WILL LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THIS CIVILIZATION and to A THIRD WORLD WAR, because a part of the world WILL RESIST. Hard to say when, in how many decades, but will come. WHAT PEOPLE TAKE AS 'SOCIAL PROGRESS' is only the coming of TOTAL NIHILISM. THIS IS WHY THE SOCIAL INDICATORS ARE NOT GOOD, why there is 'SO MUCH SOCIAL DISTRESS'. Which makes no sense in a pagan society, except that WE LEFT 'THIS PAGAN SOCIETY' TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO. BASICALLY THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CAPITALISM AND SOCIALISM: BOTH 'ADVOCATE AND WANT THE CULT OF MATTER.' BOTH LEAD “to the comfort of MATERIAL LIFE at the RISK OF the spirit”. Marx says it well: “The bourgeoisie [...] has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together. Subjection of Nature’s forces to man, machinery, application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam-navigation, railways, electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation, canalisation of rivers, whole populations conjured out of the ground — what earlier century had even a presentiment that such productive forces slumbered in the lap of social labour?” MARX WAS NOT AFRAID OF MATTER, HE IDOLIZED IT. The same way as 'EVERY WESTERNER'. THIS CULT OF DEATH 'around the covid' did not happen from nothing. It's the prolonged western desire of the west TO TASTE DEATH, death of the body ... so 'they commit suicide'. Suicide; intentional killing of oneself. THERE WILL BE NO RENEWAL OF THE WEST, it is a civilization “LOOKING TO DIE”. AS A MYSTIC, this Message 'is HARD TO GET ACROSS' because the MAJORITY OF YOU ARE 'STILL ATTACHED TO SOME OF THE PLEASURES of MATTER.' That's why “I get the most reactions FROM RELIGIOUS PEOPLE; YOU!” AND IT IS ALSO 'FOR THIS REASON' that the Right-Wing Milieus, WILL NOT CHANGE THE EQUATION OF WESTERN NIHILISM. Because Both the Right and the Left 'want the same thing'; THE WELL-BEING, BUT MENTAL WELL-BEING. ENJOYING LIFE but 'NOT KNOWING ONESELF (INSIDE)'; 'BOTH ARE EQUALLY NIHILISTIC'. BOTH SPEAK OF 'SOCIAL PROGRESS' BUT MEAN 'SOCIAL NIHILISM'. For example, Socialists say MORE EQUALITY, but promote RACISM, BY IDENTIFYING people WITH CHARACTERISTICS (White, Black, Male, Female). And on the Right, they talk about Jesus 'AS AN IDOL' and VOLUNTARILY FORGET his message, against the cult of matter. FOR THIS REASON, PEOPLE OF THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT 'AGREE ON THE HYGIENIC POLICY OF COVID' because there is NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PEOPLE OF THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT. THE WHOLE POINT OF MEDITATION is to CONCENTRATE REGULARLY. And this IS THE PURPOSE OF PRAYER AND MEDITATION, which has not been UNDERSTOOD by religious people, 'WHO ARE OUTSIDE OF THEMSELVES'. MEDITATION AND PRAYER ARE PRACTICED by these people, BUT THEY ARE USELESS BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE. And that is why they are looking FOR A GOD, FOR INNER PEACE, OUTSIDE OF THEMSELVES. I CANNOT ADVISE YOU ENOUGH to set aside time during the day FOR REST AND REFOCUSING. BECAUSE THE MORE THE WORLD GOES 'OFF THE RAILS', THE MORE 'YOU RISK BEING SWEPT AWAY BY THIS FLOW'. FOR EXAMPLE, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN FREELY CHOOSING DEATH FOR MONTHS. SUBSCRIBING TO THE FEAR OF THE COVID. And are therefore in a DANGEROUS TRANCE-LIKE STATE, TAKING THE WEAKEST WITH THEM. THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY IS, A FLOW THAT TAKES THE WEAKEST TO THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE. The Weakest always Bewitched by Ideologies AROUND MATTER, WHICH OBVIOUSLY 'LEAD TO DEATH'. Everything revolves Around the Worship of the Earth, Earth as Matter in opposition to Spirit. This is why I often say that Christianism is A Cult of Death. THERE IS NO GOD: and DISCOVER WHO YOU ARE #SOCIAL #PEOPLE #matter #death #INNER #GOD #mystic #Esotericism #Esoterism #Esoteric All the platforms I Am on: ▶ BITCOIN 34c3XCeSyoi9DPRks867KL7GVD7tGVcxnH ▶ ETHEREUM 0xAc1FBaEBaCc83D332494B55123F5493a113cE457 ▶ FINEARTAMERICA ▶ TEESPRING ▶ ZAZZLE

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